Flutter FCM Rest API ✅

Abdul Rehman
2 min readMar 21, 2021

Check the dart file for FCM Rest API to send the FCM notification to specific devices. Just add the class in your project and call the method to send notification.

Rest API in Postman

You can use this API in Postman using the following link:


How to use the FCM Rest API?

final fcmTitle = "Test Title";
final fcmBody = "This is the test body of the FCM.";
final receiverFcmToken = "FCM token of receiver device";
Api().sendFcm(fcmTitle, fcmBody, receiverFcmToken);

You can customize the request body of the Rest API according to your needs. This is the base request to send basic notification to android and IOS devices with default notification sound.

FCM Rest API Documentation : https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/http-server-ref

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Abdul Rehman

Mobile developer in love with Flutter and Android ♥️